The glimmer Of hope has escaped me.......

6 minute read time.
After a busy weekend full of family, love emotions, heart ache and tears. My family we're told I have cancer. By Sunday night I was exhausted from the talking, the crying the brave faces .....everything. Yesterday (Monday) was a good day, no tears a lot of reflection and more family visits. My family have amazed me in all honesty. I am not very close to my family and don't see them that often, however the support that they have offered me has amazed me in so many ways, which I guess has filled me with regret that we are not closer, that time was taken to make the effort with each other more often. I feel a lot better that they know that I now have cancer and I guess talking about it has made things easier, I have found it's the initial conversation of I have cancer is the hardest yet when family call or visit me who have been told by others I can talk freely and openly about my situation. If anything talking about it had made me think about the original oncologists appointment, he said the cancer I have rarely grows on the ovary and normally grows in the gut. E more I talked about the more I convinced myself I am thinking the worse case scenario but actually there is this possibility, and by bedtime yesterday I honestly did think I have a good chance, when I go for my results there is a chance the prognosis is good. Unfortunately this feeling and happiness didn't last. I woke as usual a few times through the night, all that I think and dream about is cancer there rally is no escape. I a laid there fir 10 mins thinking and realising the pain under my rib is there, quick feel and nothing, I can feel the pain if I lay on that side, I can feel the pain when I'm sway and crunched up, I can feel the pain at various points throughout the day but now when I start examining the area there is no pain. I can't feel anything and honestly I am gouging my fingers under my rib with no pain, although that side of my body feels harder than the other side which I remember noticing when I had a previous cyst moved. Is this normal that one side of your body is harder than the other, or am I being overly paranoid? Anyway I managed to doze back off again until the alarm went off for the kids, off they went to school with my better half while I laid in bed wallowing in self pity. Thinking shit shit shit shit shit, this life is shit, why would this happen, why is life so cruel, why would a disease exist that takes people away from their loved ones. Before I got too emotional I remembered that I promised I would pull myself together and go swimming, up I get determined to change my mood and go swimming. Before I knew it the phone was ringing, family and friends on the phone. I get more details of the cancer history of the family and am gobsmacked that I never knew this. How could I not know that there was that many people who have suffered/died of cancer in my family. My aunt was part of some genealogy research for links with cancer within the family and still gets check ups now, she is going to see if there is anything that the could do or offer me there. Who knows eh! My other aunt offered to pay for me to have a private consultation with an oncologist to see if I could get my pet scan results any quicker. I rang my consultant to find he is on holiday for 2 weeks so that is why I have to wait so long, I asked for another consultant and e only other consultant that there us could fit me in but no guarantee that my results would be back then. I asked if I paid privately could I get my results quicker and the answer was no! Guess I am just going to have to wait. By the time I finished on the phone talking to people, it was too late for a swim as the kids would be home soon. After telling my story over and over again today I actually realise that I have probably had a bit of a bubble over my head the last few days. The chances of me being in that rare case is just that bloody rare.....I have pain under my rib, I have pins and needles in my legs, I have lain in my tummy around where my ovary was removed and back ache( even though that has gone today ) let's be fair with that the chances of a good result is just not gonna happen. I started itching today which an anti histamine didn't help with when I realised actually I have itched for years for no reason, although previously an antihistermine has helped before. Could this be the unknown symptom that I should of picked up on. Could this of been the warning sign of my primary cancer that I have just ignored for years. A quick google and I guess it could of, itching is a side effect of quite a few cancers from where they suspect my primary is. Bollocks bollocks bollocks why didn't I go to the doctors about it, why did I accept that I have sensitive skin and ignore the itching, could this really of been a symptom. My emotions are pretty messed up at this point and away I go hiding in the bedroom in tears at even the thought of there being no hope. My kids are my world and the thought of them loosing me breaks my heart. I become distraught at the normal conversations of when I am 10 can we do this, mam will you love me forever, mam when I'm older will we etc etc....holy shit how do I answer that? She got a of course with a huge lump in the back of my throat and tears coming down my face as I might not see any of it. I hid away for a good hour crying and thing why bloody me? I don't even think I am sad for me, if it's bad yes I'm going to die but so is everyone one day. Mine might be a lot sooner than I wanted to be, it might be not the way wanted it to be, but what hurts more is the pain I'll leave behind, i see my family heart broken, I see my other half putting on such a brave face, if almost in denial of it all, but what hurts the most is the grief my kids will experience. How can this world be so cruel. Not feeling so hopeful today today although now holding back the tears, tomorrow I will go swimming first thing and then family are coming to visit again, which will no doubt result in more tears. Gosh I am so exhausted from it all! If only there was a rewind button I could press and and choose when to go back and to stop the clock before this happens with the knowledge I now have :(. Here's to having that therapeutic swim in the morning and my mood brightening....... X
  • FormerMember

    Phew, I don't really know what to say to that, but please please please  try to stop torturing yourself with all these what ifs... You will just go round and round and round in circles and nothing will change and you wil come to no conclusions and just exhaust yourself. I know it is terrifiying, but you can't find out till you see the doctors so googling symptoms for other cancers won't give you any answers just more worries.

    And  Leave your poor liver alone or it will hurt if you keep gouging at the poor thing ;) she said in her best mumsy voice (which is pretty rubbish to be honest)

     Whatever will be will be...

     We all have symptoms that could or could not be cancer. You have just had an operation, you whole tummy is going to be swollen or sore or not as it usually is. Mine is all over the place the moment. My side hurts where my liver is,, my wound aches, my bum is sore, my tinitus has got bad, I'm a bit tight chested... I could say Oh well, I have innumerable liver lesions that could be cancerous or not that they are monitoring.... that's it then, cancer of course, my tumour is growing back, it has spread to my brain, and my lungs and my liver.. or I could say, I am tired, I did too much yesterday and just had an operation and I have been sat awkwardly. Symptoms explained. Who knows which it is, i guess the latter. It may not be, but chances are it is nothing...  You have to learn to start to live with this uknown and uncertainty becasue even after treatment you have the dread of has it come back or not.  I'm not going to let that bug me until the day comes when my consultant says it is, otherwise my life is here to live so I will live it. Oh and the day before my appointment with him of course (cos we all do those screaming psycho moments sometimes!!)

    Perhaps it might be good to talk to one of the macmillan people? They might be able to help your mind spinning so much and this stress can't be good for you.

    Their number is on the front page and they are really good and helpful and happy to talk.

    Make sure you have that swim tomorrow and swim away that stress. If talking about it with your family is too much, then tell them you are tired and need some quiet.

    I know this is the hardest bit in the world and I really wish they could do it so you don't have to wait so long as it is tortuous, but try to emjoy the time you have with no treatment and your kids etc. This is the calm before the storm so enjoy some fun things before treatment plans etc start. Most treatments put you out of action a bit, so try to make the most of the time you have now without all the appointments etc and do some fun things.

    wish I could make it go away for you...

    Enjoy your swim and have one for me (can't swim at the moment)

    big big hug

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember
    I feel better for just typing it all out, it's like daily scream, I guess there is a weekends worth out in all that though. Thanks for your kind words X
  • FormerMember

    Hope you didn't think I was nagging too much! and good to get it out of your system.

    Enjoy your swim tomorrow... hope it helps calm your mind a bit xxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    I thought as I finished reading... I bet she feels better getting that off her chest! Not much better, but a little! I find writing things down very therapeutic... So if it works...why not!? I think everyone's entitled to a melt down now and then. I really hope u feel a bit more positive tomorrow. Hugs.