The page in the book I never wanted to read.....

  • the saga continues.....

    After a reasonable thoutful, but pretty normal week, I am geared up ready for wednesday to betold my treatment plan andnthen the chemotherapy. however I guess my saga is not quite done yet, just as I think right it's rare but hey ho, just hope there is nothing skating around my body have the chemotherapy and then I'm done the phone rings........ My oncologist rings and tells me he is happy as are all the other…
  • The storm has passed.......or has it?

    ITS D DAY!! As we have been calling it in this house. The day of the results".............. 4am and mind is playing over time........what if it's bad news? what if it's good news?.....What it's just ok? I'll let you lot decide. To me it's good, but the pessimist inside is screaming out............ My ovarian cancer with an unknown primary is now......... I have no idea but I'm…
  • The calm before the storm........

    Well it's been a busy week. My step daughter has now gone home, and I am no longer occupied 24/7. It's been a relatively normal week, intact if it wasn't for the fact my brain is ready is ready to explode I would think the last few months hasn't even happened. Since she was little my step daughter has always been like an extra arm. When ever I turn around she is there, if I sit, she sits, if I go to the loo she…
  • .....

    Another busy week ahead. My stepdaughter is visiting so I don't have a lot of time free at the moment. I am being kept busy which is brilliant for keeping my mind of things, however I know the appointment for my result to be confirmed is getting closer and closer. I asked my gp if she thought a second opinion was appropriate and she thought not, she fee,s confident in the care I'll receive and until I get my results…
  • Busy busy busy......

    Well it's been a very busy weekend, I tend not to really come on the site at weekends due to the kids being at home and being ushered to play barbies! However this weekend it was my daughters birthday, in our house it's never just a birthday but always a birthday weekend. Friday was her actual birthday and she and loads of fun, being spoilt rotten. Family came to visit and my daughter had a fantastic time. Her party…