The difference a day makes.

2 minute read time.
As the title states, what a difference a day makes. As bad as Saturday was telling the people I love so much that I have Cancer and seeing the hurt and devastation in their eyes and face, it has made an amazing difference to my outlook. I spoke to my siblings on Sunday who all cried and did the whole why you, you have had enough to deal with, this is so not fair etc etc, basically they repeated everything I have said myself, lots of tears and love you's. The weight that has been lifted now they know is amazing. I also found out that there is more of a history with cancer in our family than I thought, although it has not affected and first line relatives, it has been second and third lined. My oncologist was not interested in anything other than first line, although I have noted everything down for him to take note of. There has been no tears today and I feel very positive still. I guess telling more people about this situation has given my a glimmer of hope that I could be this rarity where my cancer has grown only in the ovary and no where else and the primary was actually the ovary, although i know in reality this is rare and chances are beyond slim, but I would like to think that I could be that chance, as I am sure I must be due some good luck at some point. The good news is that those pesky bite marks are going down and getting less itchy by the day. I am so glad I went to the doctors about them if for no other reason than to put my mind at rest that they really are just bites. of course as positive as I am being there is still that negativity in the back of my mind. I have terrible back ache at the top between my shoulders all day yesterday and today. Now the positive is telling me it's all stress related, but of course the Negative is leaning towards lung cancer and god only knows what!!!! Roll on results day! so my week starts off very positive, my family and friends all know that I now have cancer so no more hiding things. I am determine that my updates will now be more positive instead of doom and gloom. I have always found swimming very therapeutic so tomorrow I have decided that I will start this again in the hope of relaxing my body and keeping as fit as possible. here's hoping to lighter, more relaxed days staying...x
  • FormerMember

    Swimming got me through a lot of stressful times. You can swim out your stress  and relax and float too. I can't swim at the moment and can't wait to be able to get back in the pool so have one for me!!

    The waiting is the hardest bit and then you start to get on with it. In some ways whatever they say is a relief as at least you know.

    As to chances, well, why not? 

    Sending you positive vibes and a big hug

    Little My x 

  • FormerMember
    Thanks little my, you really are a true gem. You offer so much support and encouragement on here to other people when you have your own troubles as well. An inspiration to us all xx
  • FormerMember

     *grins* thank you you are too kind...

    I just bumble around giving as good as I get :) ... . its how it works, a big circle of a mac family.. we help eachother out when we need it. I get help when I need it and offer it when others do.... you will help others too in time. In fact I think you have started already!!

    I've been in your position and you don't forget how it feels and how scary it all is and if a few words of encouragement help, then who wouldn't give them?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kellista,

    So glad you've got all the telling family and friends off your mind, it really does make you feel more positive doesn't it.

    I went swimming before and after my treatments to build up strength and stamina, you really can't beat it as an all round therapy.  Do you know I think i'll join you and start again 'cos i'm feeling quite lazy at the minute.  Come on let's get our cossies!!!

    Take care

    Jan x