The mysteries of Mo

  • October 17th 2011 (pt2)


    Charlotte came in today to help Mo with her personal care I told her how Mo was and that she may not be able to do anything today considering.Saying that,Charlotte managed to wash Mo's face and hands and apply some lotion to her dry skin and she decided to change Mo's nightshirt which I helped her with.Suddenly Mo just 'kicked off',started growling and getting angry with everyone,Charlotte,Sue and me she tried to what…

  • October 17th 2011


    Chris the District Nurse came in today with another new nurse to sort out Mo's syringe drivers and check them.There was a slight setback one of the meds had run out,the medazalam,I couldn't believe it how can you RUN OUT of meds?.I wasn't very happy about it and chewed the nurses ear off about it."This was supposed to be an easier transition from Mo having the cancer to Mo eventually dying,sad as it is" I told the new…

  • October 15th 2011


    Paul came up today to see his mum,still very stressed and upset as we all are,is not an easy ride for any of us but then dealing with  cancer isn't easy for anyone,even harder when its family!.Its bad enough for Paul that his mum is dying and there's nothing we can do about it but on thursday night while he was here Ewa's brand new motorbike was stolen!!. A couple of bloody arseholes stole it, probably just for a laugh…

  • October 14th 2011


    Mo's had a very busy day today not what she or I wanted at all,too many visitors stress and unsettle Mo. Firstly the district nurse and another nurse came in to check the syringe drivers and charge them up,which I didn't realise had to be done everyday. Unfortunately thanks to a cock-up at the pharmacy the meds that the nurses wanted hadn't been delivered so they had to come back,which could easily of been avoided.Take…

  • October 13th 2011 (pt2)


    The district nurses came round today to set up the syringe driver,to be honest the whole thing freaked me out.I just imagined a large box with ALL the meds pumping into her system at once turning Mo,someone I love very much,into a zombie/vegetable,how wrong I was thank God!!.The syringe drivers aren't as obtrusive as I thought they look a rechargeable battery charger and can be hid under the pillows out of sight.They…