The mysteries of Mo

  • October 18th 2011 (pt3)


    A night carer came in at 10pm today called Karen,my first night care,as it happened coincidence or not,Mo and I knew her.Karen lived along the road from us before we moved and Mo use to go along and see her in the evenings once,twice a week to have a good old gossip (which wasn't hard!) and a cup or even several cups of teas.Mo use to stay with Karen for a couple of hours,sometimes even longer depending on how loud the…

  • October 18th 2011 (pt2)


    A little while after Chris the Hospice at Home nurse had left,Chris the District Nurse arrived to do Mo's syringe drivers.I was on my way out as Eve my respite carer had turned up as it was Tuesday.I went to speak to Chris and tell her what had happened to Mo earlier.As I did the tears came back and I got all choked,Chris noticed and asked me if I wanted a night carer to come in tonight so I had someone else with me she…

  • October 18th 2011


    Went to check Mo this morning at 9am and found her and the bedding covered in urine,OMG!!."You left me wet ALL night" Mo said angrily and glaring at me."I'm so sorry luv",the tears welling up inside me ..again!. "I didn't know I just didn't know" I said.I felt unbelievably guilty,Mo had been fine all night there had been no indication whatsoever that she wasn't.I hadn't heard Mo sounding uncomfortable or distressed in…

  • October 17th 2011 (pt4)


    While we were waiting for the nurses I had got upset with Paul and Ewa and went outside and cried my eyes out.Things had just got on top of me,not for the first time but I did eventually come back in but still quite upset.I was just angry,well more frustrated than angry with Paul and Ewa about Mo's future care.Trying to get paul to agree with getting Mo into 'respite care' had been a 'bone of contention'between us for…

  • October 17th 2011 (pt3)


    Chris the District Nurse came up and as soon as she went into the bedroom,Mo was still doing the growling and clawing,but she knew what was happening.PAIN?. It was an indication of pain Mo was in so much pain with 'whatever' and the growling and crawling was her way of telling us all that as she couldn't actually say it.Mo was showing us that she was 'crawling up the wall'with the pain and that was also why,when she was…