October 17th 2011 (pt2)

1 minute read time.

Charlotte came in today to help Mo with her personal care I told her how Mo was and that she may not be able to do anything today considering.Saying that,Charlotte managed to wash Mo's face and hands and apply some lotion to her dry skin and she decided to change Mo's nightshirt which I helped her with.Suddenly Mo just 'kicked off',started growling and getting angry with everyone,Charlotte,Sue and me she tried to what seemed like scratch people anywhere she could,hands,face, whatever and wherever she could,hadn't a clue what was going on.This continued for what seemed like forever and a day,it didn't matter who it was and then it started to get worse, Mo was acting like a woman possessed.It just didn't stop it was like something out of some bizarre real life horror story it was horrendous and very upsetting. I rang the doctor who was out of the surgery at the time probably doing their house calls.It seemed like an age before my call was returned by the doctor,I told her what was happening with Mo and the doctor said that she was going to ring the District Nurse and ask her to come up.I couldn't understand WHY the doctor,herself wasn't coming up as it was a bloody emergency!

  • FormerMember

    Head banging brick wall come to mind....

    All we want is some help or advice when things go wrong, yesterday would be great  and not going through lots of people until we finally get the help.....

    I feel the heartache and know the pain  your going through, your doing a wonderful thing looking after Mo. Its not easy for any of the family but you see more than they do, its  very distressing no matter what way you turn.

    I hope they know what was wrong with Mo and have sorted it.

    Make sure you look after yourself too

    Sending you a hug

    Shaz (((((((((((X))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Oh Bjay, hope Mo is relaxed now, think the drugs may have disorientaded her, but it is still hard to see, my mum used to have what we called funny turns, and I asked the nurses etc to tell her what they were going to do, as some just came in said nothing and started whatever, this seemed to help, as it must be awful to be all snuggled and sleepy and someone start to do things, and some people shout, and I said no mum wasnt deaf... just try what you feel is right as you know Mo better than anyone xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good to hear from you Bjay was worried when you had not blogged - so sorry that it has been difficult the last few days - you are doing an amazing job looking after Mo - caring for her and loving her like you do - she knows even if it doesn't seem like it at times.

    Thinking of you both xx