October 17th 2011 (pt4)

2 minute read time.

While we were waiting for the nurses I had got upset with Paul and Ewa and went outside and cried my eyes out.Things had just got on top of me,not for the first time but I did eventually come back in but still quite upset.I was just angry,well more frustrated than angry with Paul and Ewa about Mo's future care.Trying to get paul to agree with getting Mo into 'respite care' had been a 'bone of contention'between us for a little while now.Unfortunately the tears returned,frustrated,I said to Paul"Its ok for you two, you can go back home and carry on with your lives whereas I can't","I'm here 24/7 and watching Mo steadily get worse day in and day out,not that I'm complaining,and she needs a bit more care than I can give her,she needs medical and professional care!". "You both think I want to ship Mo off to the hospice and forget about her,'out of sight out of mind'but thats not the case,far from it!".Paul said he knew that wasn't the case and that I was and have been doing all I can for her and both him and Ewa had no problem, no problem at all with that.I could feel a 'but' coming on,I can't remember now if there was one or what it was,sorry!. Acknowledgements fine from them both but it wasn't helping or solving the root of the problem,Mo's future care.We continued to talk between ourselves about various things and aired our opinions,once again!.The one thing we DID agree on was the delays in getting Mo treated.Calling the Doctor and the Hospice at Home team,waiting for SOMEONE to come who could give Mo a poxy injection wasn't necessary.Mo in severe pain and discomfort for longer wasn't necessary.If she was in the hospice there wouldn't be that delay for 1-2 hours in treating her pain or anything else that may happen.Yes,there may be a delay of sorts but not as severe as it can be here at home.Because of that reason,and possibly that reason alone,Paul agreed to get his mum into the hospice.We all decided that we would inform the Hospice at Home team of our decision when they got here, on the understanding that we all still wanted Mo to die at home and not in the hospice.The Hospice at Home team understood what we were saying and said St Michaels Hospice would do their best to make that happen.Paul and I still aren't entirely happy about sending mo to the hospice,its just another 'hard choice' for us to make.The only way I personally can feel a little better about it is to tell myself "Whenever Paul and I AREN'T at the hospice caring for Mo, someone else IS,and still caring for her just as well"

  • FormerMember

    bjay, so pleased you have made up your mind, and if it is what is best for Mo  and you then it is the right one, you have had a tough time and need the support you will get there, and as you say no more waiting for hours has to be better for you both, Take care xx

  • FormerMember


    A sad time for you and your family, and yes very hard on the one at home 24/7. What is best for Mo is paramount and you see that clearer than anyone.

    I hope Paul does truely understand and you both find comfort in the knowledge that when either of you cant be with Mo, she is still being looked after.

    Take care of yourself too

    Shaz (((XX)))

  • FormerMember

    None of these choices are ever easy, but Mo and yourselves with benefit from her being in the hospice. You can be with her 24 hours a day if you want.

    Once Paul has seen Mo settled and is able to see for himself how the hospice works I'm sure he will be a bit more positive about it all.

    Wishing you all the very best.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Bjay my heart is crying for you all.  But the most important thing has to be to make certain that Mo is not in any pain, or as little pain as can be humanly managed.


    You are all in my thoughts and as Christine R says, you can be with her 24 hours a day if you want to be.


    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bjay

    You have made a hard decision but a good one, especially for Mo - she can get the immediate pain relief she needs - that is better for her and for you - it must be so hard for you all.

    Thinking of you all xx