October 17th 2011 (pt3)

2 minute read time.

Chris the District Nurse came up and as soon as she went into the bedroom,Mo was still doing the growling and clawing,but she knew what was happening.PAIN?. It was an indication of pain Mo was in so much pain with 'whatever' and the growling and crawling was her way of telling us all that as she couldn't actually say it.Mo was showing us that she was 'crawling up the wall'with the pain and that was also why,when she was left alone Mo started trying to bite herself without actually biting herself.This was also why,what seemed like she was trying to inflict pain on everyone else without actually causing it,very bizarre.chris gave Mo an injection of morphine and medazalam,I think,and the growling and crawling stopped,just like that!????. Mo calmed down and settled down and went to sleep...eventually.How could I of got it SO WRONG it wasn't ANGER and RESENTMENT Mo was feeling at the time but SEVERE PAIN she was feeling!!!Had I or anyone known what we do now,we would of dealt with it so differently at the time and I myself should of known and didn't!
 Before Chris came up I had contacted Paul to tell him what had been happening with his mum so he knew and if any decisions needed to be made I wasn't going to be making them on my own. Anyway Paul eventually turned up in the afternoon,he had rung me back and I explained to him that it was actually pain that had caused Mo to 'kick off'. Paul seemed a little bit relieved about that as neither of us had a clue.He did say that he thought Mo was in some kind of pain when he last saw her but wasn't too sure.Unfortunately 2-3 hrs later Mo started again and Paul was actually here and saw for himself what was happening.Paul and I both went into Mo and held her hands and tried to calm her down. Mo started the clawing routine again with both of us,the trying to scratch us etc and then it went to another level,she was forming a fist and actually punching our hands like some boxer sparring,even more bizarre!. I left Paul in the bedroom with Mo and rang the Hospice at Home helpline and told them what was happening and they contacted the twilight staff and asked them to call back.This happened about 6.30-7.00pm Mo only had the  first injection about 4pm and the Hospice at Home nurses thought that it may not be possible to give her another so soon. By the time the Hospice at Home nurses arrived we had managed to calm Mo down and she went to sleep
