October 18th 2011

1 minute read time.

Went to check Mo this morning at 9am and found her and the bedding covered in urine,OMG!!."You left me wet ALL night" Mo said angrily and glaring at me."I'm so sorry luv",the tears welling up inside me ..again!. "I didn't know I just didn't know" I said.I felt unbelievably guilty,Mo had been fine all night there had been no indication whatsoever that she wasn't.I hadn't heard Mo sounding uncomfortable or distressed in anyway on the baby monitor which was on its highest setting.I would of heard SOMETHING,ANYTHING but I heard absolutely NOTHING and I was awake all night.I hadn't actually gone in the bedroom and physically checked Mo because I didn't want to disturb her,I just poked my head in the door and she seemed settled, breathing normally and asleep.I immediately rang the Hospice at Home team and explained what had happened,"I can't leave Mo like that,covered in wee and sitting in a soaking wet bed,I just can't,can you help me?".Unfortunately I wasn't able to sort Mo out on my own it was impossible.I couldn't get her out of bed,wash her and change her nightshirt and strip the bed to change the linen.Chris the nurse I spoke to told me to calm down and not to worry she was on her way..thankfully!.Chris arrived a little later and between the three of us, Chris,Sue my neighbour and myself managed to wash Mo,change her nightie,replace her pad and re-do the bed and make Mo comfortable again.I thanked Chris as they don't really do the 'personal care' bit and she suggested that I increased Mo's care package,something I didn't think about doing or even been able to,as of yet.
