October 18th 2011 (pt2)

1 minute read time.

A little while after Chris the Hospice at Home nurse had left,Chris the District Nurse arrived to do Mo's syringe drivers.I was on my way out as Eve my respite carer had turned up as it was Tuesday.I went to speak to Chris and tell her what had happened to Mo earlier.As I did the tears came back and I got all choked,Chris noticed and asked me if I wanted a night carer to come in tonight so I had someone else with me she felt I may of needed it considering what had happened and she could arrange it.I asked her when she needed to know about it and she said asap so I said to her give me five minutes and I would let you know.So I rang Paul,why I don't know its not as if HE needed a night carer anyway,I did,but I still ran it past him!!???.Paul said do whatever I felt I needed to do he hadn't any problem with it at all.If I felt that I needed someone there tonight or not was entirely up to me so I went back indoors and told Chris that I would like a night carer tonight,she said she would try her best to arrange it.After I had told Chris what I had decided to do I went out and tried to enjoy the remainder of my respite care,considering it was 11-11.30ish.Suprisingly I was out longer than I thought I would be,decided to meet my mum and give her an update regarding Mo and what happened over the last two days.
