October 18th 2011 (pt3)

1 minute read time.

A night carer came in at 10pm today called Karen,my first night care,as it happened coincidence or not,Mo and I knew her.Karen lived along the road from us before we moved and Mo use to go along and see her in the evenings once,twice a week to have a good old gossip (which wasn't hard!) and a cup or even several cups of teas.Mo use to stay with Karen for a couple of hours,sometimes even longer depending on how loud the jungle drums were playing.Then she would give me a ring and I would walk to Karens and pick her up and we would stroll back home.A couple of times we would look after Karens daughters,Leah and Jade in the evening until she had finished her shift and give them something to eat if needed. Mo did a lot of arty-farty craft stuff with them which they both enjoyed,especially Leah the younger of the two but then again they were both a lot younger then!!.I gave Karen a big hug when she arrived as I knew her and hadn't seen her for ages,but also to be honest, a little relieved too.Its just unfortunate we lost contact when we moved,I could of talked to her all night 'catching up' but it would of defeated the object.Anyway Karen kicked me out,not physically that would of been a bit OTT,and told me to go next door and get some sleep and we would talk in the morning so I did.

  • FormerMember

    The PTBs have strange ways of helping us along the bumpy bits of our life journey but I'm so glad they have smiled on you and Mo for a little while.


    Much love,

    Nin xxx