The mysteries of Mo

  • October 27th 2011


    Didn't visit Mo today,a first,I just needed some 'time out'so I went over to Rye market with my mum. We had a nice morning considering the weather was crap,had a bit of lunch came back home and watched a bit of tv with my mum. I dropped her back home and had a lay down as I had a headache. All in all I had a nice day,but I couldn't stop thinking about Mo on and off all day I guess it was only natural. I found it very…

  • October 26th 2011


    I had visited Mo earlier on today but I popped back at 7pm to drop off some clean nightshirts and some special supplemented fruit juices,fortijuice.full of vitamins and stuff.Katy the Macmillan nurse had ordered them for me when Mo wasn't eating,unfortunately they had turned up the day after Mo was admitted to the Hospice.I parked outside in the Hospice car park and rang through to the nurses station just to make sure…

  • October 25th 2011 (pt2)


    Paul's dad and his Uncle Peter were going to come down from Thanet today and visit Mo this evening,not very happy about it at all! Paul had asked me before Mo was admitted to the Hospice about it and he wanted to know how I felt ,I told him I wasn't happy about it as Mo and I have had nothing to do with his dad or uncle,no visits or any contact whatsoever with them for over ten years.The last time Mo had seen Bruce,her…

  • October 25th 2011


    Arrived at the Hospice at 11.30 and spoke to Dr Choudary,the first doctor Mo had met,about how Mo is, the nurses were doing Mo's personal care when we went to her room.I let them finish what they were doing and kept out of sight so I didn't aggravate the situation and Dr Choudary went and spoke to Mo.She checked Mo's eyes,the eye drops and the antibiotics seemed to be working as they were a lot better than they had been…

  • October 24th 2011 (pt2)


    As I was helping the nurse with Mo's lunch Paul and Ewa arrived,Paul was off for the day because it was Ewa's birthday but she didn't know that he had taken the day off because it was a surprise.Mo had managed to have quite a bit of her tomato and basil soup today and most of her lasagne at lunchtime but Mo didn't want the dessert,I think she just had enough today.While we were all with Mo, Carol turned up a bit later…