October 24th 2011 (pt2)

2 minute read time.

As I was helping the nurse with Mo's lunch Paul and Ewa arrived,Paul was off for the day because it was Ewa's birthday but she didn't know that he had taken the day off because it was a surprise.Mo had managed to have quite a bit of her tomato and basil soup today and most of her lasagne at lunchtime but Mo didn't want the dessert,I think she just had enough today.While we were all with Mo, Carol turned up a bit later than she said she would.Carol and I chatted to each other about nothing in particular and to Mo so that at least she felt involved in some way,without really interacting which wasn't a problem.Unfortunately Paul and Ewa didn't,it wouldn't of hurt if Ewa had just waffled on about what Paul had got her for her birthday or what they had been doing during the day.They just sat there looking at Mo in bed and said nothing at all,it was like they were just watching a kettle boil or paint drying!!??.Mo may not of interacted with any one of us today as much as she has done in the past,but she's not bloody deaf!!she CAN hear everything thats going on around her.Carol stayed for an hour or so and then left and then Paul,Ewa and myself decided to go to as Mo was tired and it was time for all the patients to rest,the only time visitors are not allowed to visit.Paul and Ewa went to wait for me in the smoking area while I had a quick word with the nurses about something,can't remember what though.Then I went out to the smoking area where Paul and Ewa were waiting and asked them how they thought Mo was today,Did they think she was a bit better?,How were they?,anything just to get a BLOODY reaction from either of them,verbally or emotionally.Nothing, absolutely bloody nothing not a single word from neither of them!!.That was it I went off on one,"All I'm getting from you two is bloody negativity nothing positive AT ALL",I said."It has to be a positive thing  your mums eating better and there is no sign of any organ failure according the doctor?",zero ,nothing,nader from them."We need to try and be a little more positive even though we know the eventual outcome,she still is your mum who you love and my partner I love,effectively still the same person we all know."Both of you seem to of given up on her" I said."No we haven't 'given up' but what do you want us to say Brian?"Paul said,FINALLY A REACTION at long last!!.Just try to focus on the positive things happening to your mum at the moment,BE POSITIVE and not dwell on the negative things thats all and carry on and DO what we are DOING.Continue to TRY AND INVOLVE HER with whats going on,and be as NORMAL as you can AROUND MO she will respond in her own way,even though we find it difficult and very hard.
