October 26th 2011

1 minute read time.

I had visited Mo earlier on today but I popped back at 7pm to drop off some clean nightshirts and some special supplemented fruit juices,fortijuice.full of vitamins and stuff.Katy the Macmillan nurse had ordered them for me when Mo wasn't eating,unfortunately they had turned up the day after Mo was admitted to the Hospice.I parked outside in the Hospice car park and rang through to the nurses station just to make sure Michael,Mo's younger son wasn't still visiting.Unfortunately me and him don't get on he blamed me for Mo and his dad splitting up and probably still does and feelings do run high between us.Michael was very young when Mo and I got together but has matured a lot since then and quite grown up now,it has been 10 yrs since it happened. Michael has only seen his mum once when she was at the Conquest which was a very big step for him to initiate any contact with his mum.Mo and Michael had a very long talk and also shed some tears,very emotional for them both but they managed to hopefully 'build bridges' something I know Mo has been wanting to do for ages.I knew Michael was visiting this evening but I wasn't to sure how long he would stay but he had already gone by the time I signed in.I dropped off Mo's stuff with the nurses and went to go in and say goodnight even though I didnt really want to disturb her and I saw paul sitting by Mo's bed talking to her gently and decided that I wouldnt go in and quietly left them to it.I sat in the reception area for a while,no one about apart from the receptionist very quiet and waited on the off-chance that Paul may pop out for a smoke or a cup of tea and I would speak to him.As I was waiting I became very emotional and started to cry,luckily no one was about and decided that I didn't really want Paul or Mo to see me upset,foolish pride I guess and signed out and left. When I got home I sent Paul a text telling him about what happened that evening so he knew that I had intended to visit but it just didn't happen.
