October 25th 2011 (pt2)

1 minute read time.

Paul's dad and his Uncle Peter were going to come down from Thanet today and visit Mo this evening,not very happy about it at all! Paul had asked me before Mo was admitted to the Hospice about it and he wanted to know how I felt ,I told him I wasn't happy about it as Mo and I have had nothing to do with his dad or uncle,no visits or any contact whatsoever with them for over ten years.The last time Mo had seen Bruce,her ex-husband,since we had been together was when they went to Pauls wedding,yonks ago which didn't last.I told him that I didn't want to rake up the past as it was 'ancient history'and I didn't want Mo getting upset with it all and bring back some painful memories for her.It was the last thing Mo needed and could possibly make her worsen,old emotions and feelings can work in a negative way.Paul agreed with me but I could tell he wasn't completely convinced.Anyway to cut a long story,short,our previous conversation about it DIDN'T MATTER,how I felt about it DIDN'T MATTER, how Mo could react DIDN'T MATTER. Paul had managed to piss me off once again,riding roughshod over mine and his mums feelings and allowed them to visit! He said that it would 'be good' for his mum to see Peter and that she will be 'pleased' to see him, I just hope Pauls right!!. I haven't got a problem with Pauls dad coming down to support him but I would prefer it if he didn't visit Mo,I mean she's only seen him ONCE in over ten years for crying out loud but its not my call I guess. If  Bruce the 'ex-husband' or 'Uncle bloody Peter' upset Mo in any way I will not forgive them...or Paul!?!?

  • FormerMember

    Hi BJay

    Oh what a dilemma!  I can fully understand you being filled with trepidation over this and I really hope Mo doesn't get upset or distressed over it.

    Looking at it from another angle, I obviously don't know the 'ins' and 'outs' of everything and although one meeting in 10 years isn't what I would call being on good terms, perhaps Bruce is remembering the good times he and Mo had together and wants to say his own goodbyes before it's too late to do so.  As for Uncle Peter, did he have a good relationship with Mo before the break up?  He may feel the same.

    If I were you I would make sure you are at the hospice when they visit and perhaps hover unobtrusively to make sure Mo is not distressed in any way.  That way you can cut short the visit if you feel that things are not going well.

    Big hugs hunni.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bjay,

    Sorry I haven't been on for awhile.

    I have to say I agree totally with Manders 1958. None of us know full personal history of others. So with that in mind I would like to ask - If you had history enough with someone with nothing too detrimental other than a general fall out of a close relationship, would you too also like to have the chance to pay your regards and offer your support and love??? I am aware that for you is difficult as it is Mo's past and you feel it should stay there but still... maybe there can be some benfit to each by the visit.

    Please don't take offence to my view, it is said with love.

    Helen xxx