The mysteries of Mo

  • September 23rd 2011


    Charlotte,Mo's carer came in today I was expecting her at 1pm she turned up at 1.30. Unfortunately I had rang the A1 Carers office to find out where she was because I thought she was late, just got off the the phone & she turned up. Apparently according to Charlottes visiting list Mo was booked in for a visit at 1.30pm and not 1pm as I thought. I apologised to her for possibly dropping her in it because I had rang the…

  • September 22nd 2011


    Been a busy day today we had the Carers Association around on referral from the district nurse,Chris Pantrey I think.The usual background information,When?,How & Why? she (can't remember name,surprise! surprise!) asked for.Also had a questionnaire for me to complete about how I was and feeling,bit of a first.We spoke about what day I would like a 'sitting carer'I said probably Tuesdays or Thursdays.The reason being every…

  • September 21st 2011 (pt2)


    Doctor Munro our G.P. visited today at 12 wasn't expecting her until 3.30pm,Mo had an appointment at the surgery but it would of been too much for her hence the home visit.Dr Munro was pleased Mo was talking better after her last visit to the surgery on 7th September and suggested Mo try the Day therapy at St Michaels Hospice.I thought she wasn't mobile enough yet but Dr Munro seems to think it would be ok and that it…

  • September 21st 2011


    Its 4.25am Mo's just woke up to go to the loo,automatically I woke & switched the bedroom lamp on.Mo came out of the loo and sat back on the bed and asked me what the time was,"4'o'clock" I said,"thats good" Mo replied thinking she had been asleep overnight longer than normal.Instead of saying to her "Yes luv you have done well" I said "no it wasn't because now you have broken your sleep pattern and you would be tired…

  • September 20th 2011 (pt3)


    I'm a little concerned about the amount of rest Mo's been having over the last 2-3 days.Its very hard to gauge whether Mo's tired because she's done too much the day before or if the cancer is spreading or she's just physically/mentally tired because of the medication she's on.Mo's mobility or lack of it is another concern of mine,the same questions also apply in the same way as her resting concerns.Hopefully the symptom…