September 22nd 2011

2 minute read time.

Been a busy day today we had the Carers Association around on referral from the district nurse,Chris Pantrey I think.The usual background information,When?,How & Why? she (can't remember name,surprise! surprise!) asked for.Also had a questionnaire for me to complete about how I was and feeling,bit of a first.We spoke about what day I would like a 'sitting carer'I said probably Tuesdays or Thursdays.The reason being every 2nd Tuesday I have to run around paying household bills and Thursdays I like to meet up with my mum.The Carers Association is made up of mostly volunteers and as far as I know,not medically trained.Anyway managed to arrange with them,hopefully,a 'sitting carer' for Thursday next week they will contact me to confirm this.The respite care is only for three hours but thats a lot better than nothing lol.
 Vicky the Occupational Therapist from Bexhill hospital visited today,on referral from the district nurse,I think,to see what they could do to help Mo with her mobility around the bungalow.A couple of rails are being put in the lounge as Mo has difficulty going from the lounge into the bedroom,but she's OK coming from the bedroom to the lounge,strange I know but hey!!.In the bathroom the toilet is being raised slightly using some piece of equipment with support handles,which just sits on the toilet & is easily removed for other people.Mo likes a bath but how to get her in is another problem,there are two options available,a seat lift or another seat that sits on top of the bath.The seat lift is a big piece of kit not to sure if we have the space & lowers Mo right down into the bath the other seat doesn't.We haven't decided yet which option it is but the O.T. is sending us some pictures to help Mo & I decide which is best.They are also supplying a collapsible wheelchair so Mo can get out more and a stool with an angled back/seat which is portable for the bedroom and the bathroom if needed.Lastly they are also putting a rail out in the back garden/patio so Mo can sit in the garden if she wants to.All the equipment that is being arranged for Mo can be changed,altered and tweaked at any time depending on Mo's requirements.They will be contacting our landlords for permission but Vicky said its just a formality/routine and its not usually a problem getting their permission.
 The Hospice @ Home nurses also called today I just forgot that I had made arrangements for them to call every Thursday,unfortunately it clashed with the Carers Association visit so we had a full house,not to mention my mum was also here to.The Hospice @ Home nurses suggested I made a visual planner,at first I thought they were joking, when am I going to find the time for that?.Upon reflection it may not be a bad idea don't want another day like today and it would be useful for everyone,especially Mo to see WHO'S COMING IN and ON WHAT DAY and WHY.I managed to rope Paul & Ewa into helping me to make one on Sunday when they visit. Well they did say they wanted to be more 'hands on' and involved lol..!!
