The mysteries of Mo

  • October 2nd 2011


    Getting a bit more stroppy and cross with Mo now, I don't like it.Mo got up at 6am again this morning, "Where are you going its 6 o  clock in the morning?", "What are you up to now?", "Nothing" she said "I just want to go out there" pointing to the lounge. So up I got and went into the lounge and switched on the light, then into the kitchen to make some tea. While I was making a cup of tea Mo had reached the front…

  • October 1st 2011


    Mo had some pain today which started in her stomach went up through her chest and ended up in her shoulders. Very weird,this is most definitely a first,hadn't a clue what to do though. Do I ring the 24hr phone line for Hospice @ Home and ask their advice?,do I ring the doctor or dial 999?, What?. Normally I have some idea of what to do but not this time,luckily I didn't panic thankfully.Totally froze though,I thought…

  • September 29th 2011 (pt2)


    Didn't get my respite care today as the Association Of Carers who were meant to be covering cancelled. The volunteer who was due to come in wasn't doing it anymore and another already had a client so they couldn't come either. I tried to get cover from A1 Carers,the other agency responsible for my respite care. A1 Carers said that they would try to get somebody. As I only spoke to Helen on the Tuesday they did say that…

  • September 29th 2011


    Yesterday needn't of worried about Mo visiting the Day Centre for the first time she had a lovely time,her words not mine. The ambulance picked her up at 9.45am transferred Mo to a wheelchair but she managed to walk out to the chair. Two people came with the ambulance, the driver & a lady from St Michaels Hospice they were brilliant they put Mo at ease straight away. I got a bit emotional when Mo gave me a wave from the…

  • September 28th 2011 (pt2)


    Unfortunately I had to go out & do the 'boring' things today,pay the bills and do some grocery shopping couldn't wait in ALL day for Mo's medical equipment to arrive, between 8-5pm isn't 'a time' in my book. Luckily my other neighbour Val said she wasn't going anywhere today and offered to take in the delivery for me. Sue & Brian were away in Essex for a week,the holiday Mo & I were due to go on with them but Mo wasn…