October 2nd 2011

3 minute read time.

Getting a bit more stroppy and cross with Mo now, I don't like it.Mo got up at 6am again this morning, "Where are you going its 6 o  clock in the morning?", "What are you up to now?", "Nothing" she said "I just want to go out there" pointing to the lounge. So up I got and went into the lounge and switched on the light, then into the kitchen to make some tea. While I was making a cup of tea Mo had reached the front room sofa and sat down. After we had drunk our tea I said "Shall we go back to bed now then?"No" she replied, normally we do eventually go back to bed,not today. I was tired and I didn't even go to bed THAT late last night,I get so knackered myself lately I just can't stay up.I tried to explain to Mo that I do get tired now with these early rises and when I get tired I get stroppier and crosser more easily. I also said to her when I get tired and don't sleep well that I can't care for her as well as I should do. "I can't win can I?" she said "If I don't GET UP MORE you get cross and when I DO GET UP you get cross too".Answers on a postcard please!!!.I also mentioned to Mo that it may be an idea to get a night carer in once a week,but I really don't want to go there...Yet!. After more tea, Mo had some breakfast and took her meds and we eventually managed to get back to bed about 8-9am and slept until 10.30 which helped us,me in particular. I also got a bit stroppy in the afternoon about 3.30pm after dinner. Mo had been up since 10.30 for about 5-6hrs can't grumble its a long time for her to actually be up for. Mo decided she wanted to cut her nails and put some nail polish on but she couldn't remember where they were. I thought,ok I will give her a hand to look for them save Mo rooting through the drawers etc,it didn't help!!. I started to check the drawers & even the suitcases on top of the wardrobe,Mo started huffing and puffing away,I could tell from the looks I was getting she wasn't happy. In the end I walked out of the bedroom, "Ok fine,bloody well look yourself then" and went into the frontroom for a fag. This isn't me I very rarely get cross it takes a lot for me to get angry,let alone swear at Mo, I hate it!!.
 To top it all today Paul visited today,2pm he turned up along with a friends dog he had offered to look after all weekend!! Priorities! Priorities! Am I being to harsh I wonder? I really don't know! Mo and I had decided to have our roast earlier for a change, "I'll be off then as your having your dinner"he said, "No, thats ok you can stay its not a problem you can have some if you like,theres enough"I said. "No,thanx its ok I don't want Lenton (the dog) sitting here drooling why your eating I'm not having it"???. Paul left at 2.30, hadn't even dished the dinner up before he was gone,which really got my back up. What was the point of walking all the way up here in the boiling sun with a dog and then buggering off half hour later at the slightest chance!! I guess I should be grateful he came up yesterday and stayed for longer, even though Mo did go to bed as she was tired, but then I think WHY should I be grateful after all Mo is his mum.  

  • FormerMember

    Its understandable to get a bit moody bjay and normal.Its probably better than keeping it in.Youre doing a splendid job of looking after Mo.Not sure what to say about Paul.Take care.HUGS xx