October 1st 2011

1 minute read time.

Mo had some pain today which started in her stomach went up through her chest and ended up in her shoulders. Very weird,this is most definitely a first,hadn't a clue what to do though. Do I ring the 24hr phone line for Hospice @ Home and ask their advice?,do I ring the doctor or dial 999?, What?. Normally I have some idea of what to do but not this time,luckily I didn't panic thankfully.Totally froze though,I thought Mo had indigestion or was it just muscle pain from the fibromyalgia,that has happened in the past,opted for indigestion?? & gave her some Gaviscon.This happened at 6.30am I just got up,Mo was already up ..obviously and we had a cup of tea (solves everything..not!) and the pain did pass..eventually scared us both, no surprise there!.I will tell Katy what had happened when she calls and maybe she can tell me why Mo had this pain and what was causing it.Also a couple of times Mo's legs have locked up,once when I think she slipped off the bed the other time she was getting up from sitting on the bench in the front garden,this also scared Mo too,hopefully Katy MAY have some answers.If Katy doesn't call tomorrow (sun) I will give her a call asap on Monday morning.
