Team Chapman!

  • So here's the thing....


    I've been pondering over a few things lately. To sum up, I feel like I've lost my mojo since mum's diagnosis, safe to say all of us have to some extent. 

    I am fine, and feel like I am coping much better, but this big shadow hanging over us all does bring me down sometimes. I almost feel guilty for going out and having fun, and am on the edge of tears some days. Andy took me to the pub last night and we drifted…

  • Tigger is in the house!!!!!!!!!


    I am beyond excited, so happy, I don't think I'm going to sleep a wink tonight.

    Mum phoned this evening and for the first time in several weeks, she sounded like my lovely, happy, positive mum. Not sick mum, not tired mum, not slightly confused mum......just MUM!

    Even better, she phoned to tell me that they are planning to discharge her tomorrow. I literally cannot believe it, I am so excited!

    She has passed…

  • A positive update


    Haven't posted for a few days, but we're still in a bit of limbo land at the moment with mum making good progress after the surgery and waiting for the histology results.

    Had a tough night on Sunday when it all caught up with me - I was also TOTM and I think that the cumulative effect took hold. I took the day off on Monday and pottered around the house getting on top of chores which made me feel better.


  • Happy Mothers Day


    I went up to Warwickshire to see mum this weekend, first time since Tuesday and in that time she has been moved back onto the "normal" Ward 43, rather than Step Down. It's still a pretty high dependency unit, but she has a TV again and it's a lot more relaxed for her.

    A bit of an odd couple of visits. On Saturday when I first arrived, she looked like a frail little old lady sat in the chair. Not something…

  • Back to Ward 43


    Just  a quick update for today, not much more to update really. Mum's been moved back to Ward 43 from Step down which means she's on a "normal" neuro ward again, back where she started. That's a real result. We can expect her to be in for perhaps a couple of weeks, but a much faster than expected return, so fantastic news.

    One thing I'm not sure if I made a note of before, but made me laugh today…