Team Chapman!

  • Happy dance time!


    So we've had an emotional time of it lately, and last week felt quite sad because it was the first anniversary of losing grandad and mum hadn't remembered. She has had an awful lot on her mind t be fair, and I hadn't fully appreciated just how concerned she was about her latest MRI scan.

    She phoned yesterday afternoon in floods of tears and I just assumed the worst until she managed to stutter out the words…

  • Another pause for reflection


    So, again, it's been a while, but there haven't been any dramas which is good news and things are just bimbling along.

    Mum's physical health seems to be doing as well as can be expected. She still has issues with her eyes not functioning properly which makes her quite tired and she still feels the tiredness, but she's up and about, has a good appetite (steroids!) and generally quite positive.

    I went…

  • Sleepless night


    Had a tough day yesterday. Every time I go to visit mum I look forward to seeing her, and this time was no different. She's had a few weeks off treatment and I was hoping that she might get some respite and be feeling a bit brighter.

    I was gutted when I arrived because she looked totally exhausted and within 5 minutes of us arriving, took herself off to bed. She had made lunch, but was too tired to stay up and didn…

  • Taking the time to blog....


    So it's been another gap since my last post. I suppose that's a good thing really because it means that less has happened, fewer dramas, which can only be a good thing.

    There are some things to offload though, so here goes.

    Mum finished her first round of treatment just over a week ago. 6 weeks of daily radiotherapy and chemo (in pill format) all done and dusted. Initially she seemed to cope very well, but once…

  • Long time no blog....


    Wow, it's been over a month since I last blogged. So what's happened since mum came home?

    She lost a lot of muscle in her lower body so she's starting walking to try and rebuild her glutes/calves/quads etc. She's up to the "2 lake" walk with the dog now which is pretty impressive considering she could barely get up the stairs a month ago.

    Mum decided to throw herself into things when she got…