A positive update

1 minute read time.

Haven't posted for a few days, but we're still in a bit of limbo land at the moment with mum making good progress after the surgery and waiting for the histology results.

Had a tough night on Sunday when it all caught up with me - I was also TOTM and I think that the cumulative effect took hold. I took the day off on Monday and pottered around the house getting on top of chores which made me feel better.

Spent yesterday morning sorting out a new PC for the office, a long overdue task, but I'm making the most of the fact that I had planned to be away this week, so have a little breathing space.

Colin has done a deal on the motorhome and exchanged the campervan. We're going to be the toast of Glastonbury with our fancy new wheels and mum will be delighted with the extra comfort she'll have - can't wait for her to see it!

Got a text from Colin last night which really put a smile on my face on 2 counts:

1. Mum's had the staples removed from her head - wow! Only a week after surgery!!

2. Her surgeon saw her again yesterday and was very pleased with her progress. He is also said he's positive about the histology reports. It doesn't really mean anything at this stage, but he rarely shows emotion or betrays any emotions so I'm taking that as a really positive sign.

Still 3-10 days before we get the official results, so fingers still firmly crossed.

It's a sunny day here and with good news, it's feeling like a good day today.
