Summer 22

  • One year on

    Last week was the anniversary of my diagnosis with Breast Cancer. In many ways the year has gone quickly, but there were definitely moments when time moved very slowly. I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses I have met along the way. I cannot s...
  • The end?

    Radiotherapy finished last week. It was a relief as the travelling every day had got annoying, it just took so long. We had one day when I went in and came out on time, but even then the journey home was slow so overall it took almost 3 hours from le...
  • What next?

    Since last writing, I have continued to recover from the chemo - it is going to take longer than I thought! I still get tired much easier than I used to and I am having to allow for this. We have also spoken to the consultant again and I am now on ho...
  • Last chemo

    Monday was chemo 6, the last one. The appointment went well, after the 3 hour delay last time, they seemed to want to get it right this time. It felt good to have done it, relief rather than a celebration as the appointment is only the beginning. How...
  • Cycle 5 on Monday

    The last 3 weeks have been long. I had so little energy last week I didn’t want to read, watch tv or sleep. This week has been better though, but trying to catch up takes time. Everyone at work tells me to rest, yet they don’t offer to do...