What next?

1 minute read time.

Since last writing, I have continued to recover from the chemo - it is going to take longer than I thought! I still get tired much easier than I used to and I am having to allow for this. We have also spoken to the consultant again and I am now on hormone therapy. I will be on this for 5years and it is supposed to stop any cancer cells growing. They like oestrogen, so the hormone therapy prevents my body making oestrogen, so the cells can’t grow. The immediate result of the tablets and injections is various side effects such as ‘aching’ joints/muscles just for sitting still for 5mins, or for going for a walk - there is no win.

In April I will also start radiotherapy, this will be every week day for 3 weeks and may result in ‘sunburn’ type burns and more tiredness. Even without the side effects, it is going to use up a decent proportion of every day as I have to do a longer journey to get to the hospital that does the treatment. Best guess is 45mins each way, but it does include the M25, so it could be significantly longer.

Needless to say I am not overly cheerful at the moment, the radiotherapy seems like a big obstacle to get over again. I have been told it is not as bad as chemo and it is not for as long, but I am tired of treatment and just want to get on with life now. It will be better once we have dates as then we can plan but for the moment we are just waiting again. So much of cancer treatment seems to be about waiting!

  • Hi Cross Stitcher, I'm sorry you're feeling a bit down with more waits for treatment. I'm ten weeks post chemo and I think I'm almost over the side effects but I had surgery a week ago so another recovery period until I feel "normal" again and can get back to some semblance of normality and doing some fun things again. But then I'll have three weeks of RT to look forward to. How long have you been riding this rollercoaster? It's been 9 months since I found my lump. Sending a hug and willing you onwards and upwards. xx

  • We have obviously had treatments in different orders. It is almost exactly 9 months since I was diagnosed, but I started with surgery, then chemo, now radiotherapy. I hope to have completed all of these treatments by the time I get to a year and will just have the hormone therapy on going. I hope your surgery recovery is going well - slow and steady is the answer to the recovery, even though that can be frustrating!