Last chemo

1 minute read time.

Monday was chemo 6, the last one. The appointment went well, after the 3 hour delay last time, they seemed to want to get it right this time. It felt good to have done it, relief rather than a celebration as the appointment is only the beginning. However knowing there is no more chemo is good. Because the chemo, for me, is to kill off anything that might be in my body, rather than anything specifically, there isn’t a scan or test they can do to see if it has worked. So we just have to hope it has been worth it. Also the hard part of the cycle is still to come. The next week or so of injections, exhaustion and generally having no enthusiasm for anything will be hard, but will also be the last time. Cycle 5 side effects were not quite as bad as cycle 4, at least I recovered better, clearly the visit to hospital took more out of me than we realised. So we hope cycle 6 will be over soon and I can properly recover, go for walks, see people and enjoy eating again.

So is that it, is it all over? I wish!

Radiotherapy will start in a few weeks, when I will have an appointment every day for three weeks to have X-rays blasting at me, focussed on making sure that all cancer cells in my breast are gone…just in case the surgery and chemo didn’t get them! I am told that while it may be tiring, it is not chemo, and it certainly doesn’t last as long.

In the meantime, I am wondering how to celebrate the last injection. Every step forward needs to to be acknowledged when it has been such a difficult journey and isn’t over yet.
