Summer 22

  • Half way

    Chemo cycle 4 started on Monday. Technically I am half way through the chemo as there should be 6 cycles. However this is not going up a hill until you are half way then back down the other side. It is more going up the hill and turning the corner to...
  • Here we go again

    Chemo has a cycle. I have the chemo, feel generally ok for a few days (ignoring feeling queasy all the time), then tiredness, exhaustion, aches and everything else kicks in. Eventually it all clears and I have about a week of feeling normal, before i...
  • Cycle 2

    Cycle 2 is supposed to be today. It was postponed by 3 hours, so instead of having it now I am trying to wait patiently. It’s not that I am excited, more that I want it over with. Most of my concerns are about the cannula as I have a massive br...
  • Chemo started

    The first chemo was on Monday. The day was ok, the only issue was my vein deciding it didn’t want the chemo and they had to try a second one. That worked though. To keep the vein open I had my arm in a warm sleeve, but to hopefully help keep my...
  • So what’s the plan?

    I have now had a CT scan and thankfully that doesn’t seem to have shown up any further cancer although due to the bruising and swelling from surgery they can’t be completely certain. We saw the oncologist and next stop is chemo starting i...