One year on

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Last week was the anniversary of my diagnosis with Breast Cancer. In many ways the year has gone quickly, but there were definitely moments when time moved very slowly. I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses I have met along the way. I cannot say that I am cured as it had spread to my lymph nodes so we cannot know that. However the surgery, chemo and radiotherapy have removed all that can currently be seen. The ongoing hormone therapy and targeted therapy (lots of tablets) should stop anything that is left from growing and the ongoing monitoring through mammograms and MRI’s should pick up any changes. The appointments and tablets will continue for up to 5 years while they monitor me but I am returning to a more normal life - returning to the office and being able to get out and about. Thank you to those who have supported and prayed for me through the last year. Your support was essential -even a short text or email can make a big difference to a bad day. Slight smile

  • Hi Cross Stitcher, just wanted to wish you well.  I am also 1 year on from diagnosis - it has been a rough year but hopefully like you, I’m at the other side now. There is always the anxiety around recurrence but I’m hoping that will fade a bit more in time.  Take care xx