Cycle 5 on Monday

1 minute read time.

The last 3 weeks have been long. I had so little energy last week I didn’t want to read, watch tv or sleep. This week has been better though, but trying to catch up takes time. Everyone at work tells me to rest, yet they don’t offer to do anything for me!

2 weeks ago I had a reaction, or something, to the chemo or to the injection. I ended up in A&E for 14 hours overnight, and no I didn’t even see a trolley. I and the thirty or so other people sat in the waiting room spent the night sharing drip hooks and trying to stay awake so we could respond when our names were called. To be fair, I was prioritised and the antibiotics, pain killer and fluids did take about 5hours to drip into me so I was always going to be there a long time. By morning a Chemo nurse came to investigate and decide what to do. My temperature, heart rate, blood pressure had all returned to relative normal and the arm full of blood they took (7 bottles and vials) showed nothing out of the ordinary so I was sent home to sleep. Unfortunately I was a bit beyond sleep and by the time I could sleep, the not sleeping part of the chemo kicked in so we had several days of me only really sleeping for about 3 hours at a time. The best bit was that I was let off the rest of the injections as long as I kept away from sources of infection. When it is an effort to get from the bedroom to the lounge, not going out is not a problem, so I was happy to accept that limitation!

 I’m now ‘looking forward’ to cycle 5 on Monday, the second Docetaxal cycle. At least it will be another one over with, closer to the end than the beginning.
