The end?

1 minute read time.

Radiotherapy finished last week. It was a relief as the travelling every day had got annoying, it just took so long. We had one day when I went in and came out on time, but even then the journey home was slow so overall it took almost 3 hours from leaving home to getting back. When the travel was ok, the appointment was late, so there was no win. It was good to talk with a couple of other women in the same position to discover that it was not just me that had to lie in an incredibly uncomfortable position for 15-30mins every day without moving a muscle, except to hold your breath for 30 secs, several times.

Anyway, that is done now, side effects seem to be minimal so it was positive really, and much easier than chemo. Now we wait for the next oncologist appointment in June to find out what happens next. We have been able to book a holiday and we can start to do things again. I am building up my energy levels (although a Covid booster at the weekend didn’t help) and have started to put together a plan to return to the office. Almost mormal life!
