Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Home Again...

    Too much sleep during day led to the most restless and uncomfortable night yet. Now gargling mucus in my sleep, to wake with a coughing fit when it gets too much. My mouth now feels as though it has been taken over by aliens dut to the RT and morphine combinations. Constantly been biting inside of cheeks, my tongue and lips as they have been so numb with morphine overnight. Smashed out RT28 which was the toughest most…
  • Syringe N Shower Drama...

    Slept reasonably well between drip alarms going off, patients going walkabouts and peeing all over themselves and toilet floors. One guy went on a pillow hunt and had six when we all got up this morning. Following meds and a shower and more pain relief I slept solidly all sunday morning, only to be woken by clankering and smell of hospital food (which I cannot have any of). So me roomies are all quietly nibbling away…
  • Kwik Blog

    So another day has passed, slow and steady wins the race. Feelin stable in hospital now but don't reckon I will be able to perform the great escape until Mon, even then I don't miss the travelling so even if it was a release on Tue that would be cool. Lots of broken sleep today (every min asleep is a bonus, pain free joy). No scan tomorrow, then 2 lots of 2 to do (less than 335 zapps which doesn't sound too much, yet…
  • Hospital Day 2

    After a broken but long nights rest to a mouth tasting like a rats lair. Just chillin beans when all meds arrived, and porter to get me to radiotherapy and I was still in queue for shower. I quickly (too quickly) got meds down and had my RT (only 4 left to do now) then had a nice shower and now just waiting for some family visitors later this afternoon. In 3 weeks time I am really hoping to have turned the corner and…
  • Oh Dear! Woe is Me

    Woke this morning feeling not too bad, had meds and then violent shiver spasm. Then proceeded to throw everything back up. Still shivering could not type in password to phone for about 5 mins, then requested early pickup from driver to get me to hospital. Consultancy team on standby and straight away they knew I had to be admitted. I had most definitely caught an infection which needed treating, and fast. I was told porb…