Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Time to Take Stock...

    End of Week 5 - well this week has definitely been one to forget, and I take comfort from the fact that those of you who have been through this battle can look back six months down the line and not even remember any of the pain and suffering. If I am honest, last night after being sick I was at my lowest ebb. I did not want any more meds, I didn't want any more food via tube, I didn't want advice from close family on…
  • As thick as a P.I.G!


    nice sunny day in Wiltshire today but thats where the fun stopped.  Was great to be accompanied to hospital by my son who has taken some snaps which i will upload over weekend.  Only lost 2.5kgs in the week so dietitian reasonably happy.  Picked up prescription for antibiotics (1 week course).  Slept all way home, took round of Meds and then threw them all back up. dont know what is in stomach and what is down loo, throat…

  • The Fall Before The Rise...

    Just about when I think things can't get any worse, and even though my consultants, nurses and doctors tell me it will get worse things do, and did so in quite a dramatic fashion today (Wed). A good start to the day saw me reunited with my mobile (had left it in car) although only one battery left on him. Got thru salisbury and southampton traffic and arrived on time at hospital. Had number 23 RT session and then…
  • Slow Release Pain Relief

    Now 0130hrs and am just waiting for PEG feed to force down a few more millilitres so I can tick another portion off my nutrition list. Switched to long lasting pain relief yesterday evening. Good news is that the tablet offers 12 hours pain relief, therefore in theory that could equal twelve hours unbroken sleep. Bad News is that due to its nature it can only come in tablet form and must be taken orally. Considering…
  • What a RollerCoaster Ride...

     Wow what a difference a day makes and then what a difference 10 seconds makes! Let me explain. After looking and feeling like death warmed up yesterday and being prescribed different pain relief some anti sickness medicine I can take through tube (at last) and some mouth and throat anaesthetic I rewrote my daily ritual and proceeded to carry out the first sitting of my new course of drugs. Wow, suddenly didn't feel too…