Syringe N Shower Drama...

1 minute read time.
Slept reasonably well between drip alarms going off, patients going walkabouts and peeing all over themselves and toilet floors. One guy went on a pillow hunt and had six when we all got up this morning. Following meds and a shower and more pain relief I slept solidly all sunday morning, only to be woken by clankering and smell of hospital food (which I cannot have any of). So me roomies are all quietly nibbling away on their offerings while I continue quietly to do nothing. Had a minor drama in shower when my 'locked' syringe fell off the shelf and hit the deck. It felt as though it all happened in slow mo and all I could think of was the Final Destination movies - man goes into shower, man slips, syringe containing lethal amount of morphine drops to floor, security case shatters, man fumbles for syringe and accidentally presses plunger ( luckily for me the plunger pressing didn't happen) Also it didn't stop working but I have had to swap arms as a bit of needle damage when it ripped out. So now got fluids going into both arms and stomach via tube and tiny sips of water. Have given myself the 11th January as my end of tunnel date (14 days after last radiotherapy). This is the day when I really hope to have seen a little improvement in my long road to recovery. So with less than 20 days and nights until then (under 480 hours) I will sign off and continue to look forward to better times.