Our journey from the start

  • Feeling sorry for ourselves


    Ugh. It's been a bad week in our house.

    J is feeling really rough. His consultant decided not to do the blood transfusion last week despite J's levels falling lower, so his energy levels are at rock bottom.

    He has also had a lot of stomach trouble. We thought maybe an ulcer from the symptoms but his gp thinks probably just an inflammed stomach lining from all the drugs, so he is on gavsicon and some tablets now…

  • Physical, emotional, and wifely wobbles...


    It looks like J is going to have to have a blood transfusion next week. We've been worrying about his mega low white blood count, but it turns out his red blood count is also mega low - hence the pallor and inability to walk anywhere without being completely out of breath. Of course! His count pre this week's chemo was 9.2, and if it is any lower when he has his next blood test on Monday, he will have a transfusion with…

  • Anniversaries and round five...


    It's a year today since J's dad died, and five months this week since J found the lump on his neck. Both events seem like a life time ago now.

    J is in hospital right now starting round five of chemo. He has 42 days left to go - or 29 if you count up until the last hospital visit. Most people would think that was nothing but it too feels like a lifetime. He has been so tired and washed out these last few weeks…

  • Struggling


    J's rough this week. He has a streaming nose and eyes, a tight chest, and any sort of exertion leaves him breathless with his heart hammering in his chest and head. He looks awful too, very drawn and sallow, with yellow-brown bruised rings under his eyes. I think his birthday weekend has done him no favours but I'm also reminding myself and him that he is always rough this week in his cycle. The beacopp seems to go like…

  • Birthday chemotherapy


    J turned 38 yesterday, and of course, it happened to be a chemo day, but everyone rallied round and I think he actually had a really lovely day. The nurse on his chemo ward got him a cake and a card and everyone sang to him on the ward; and as it was his short day he was back home in time for lunch out with his mum and his brother. After that, at night, me and the boys made him a fabulous (it really was) rainbow cake…