Anniversaries and round five...

1 minute read time.

It's a year today since J's dad died, and five months this week since J found the lump on his neck. Both events seem like a life time ago now.

J is in hospital right now starting round five of chemo. He has 42 days left to go - or 29 if you count up until the last hospital visit. Most people would think that was nothing but it too feels like a lifetime. He has been so tired and washed out these last few weeks, it seems impossible now that he will get through it unscathed. Concentrating very hard on feeding him up and bleaching the kids every day (!!) and just trying to keep him going.

Now we are nearing the end of the chemo stage, I have started to wonder what will happen next. We still don't know anything about the radiotherapy, eg how how long it will take. We don't know what long term effects this will have on him, and if he will be able to go back to work again. With full pay running out in December this has started to give me some niggles. And that's IF it's worked, we don't even know that until he's got through this and had his PET scan....eeesh... it's hard....

Ho hum. So he phoned before to tell me that today's surprise is that they have changed his drugs sheet from a Newcastle one, to one from our region. This means nothing of course - except that he is on slightly different IV drugs today (cheaper? one can't help wondering....) and it will take a mammouth 7.5 hours. No proper explanation as his consultant is away today just a note and a nurse. Luckily his dodgy white blood count is up from 1.4 to 1.8 so he is off and running...


  • FormerMember


    How are you?  It sounds like it's fairly rubbish at your end, it's crap not knowing I tihnk it's the worst thing about all of this is the guess work.  I hope you find some answers out soon and get some good results.  Can't beleive thay've changed his drugs with no proper explanation just a note but hopefully the drugs won't hit him too hard.  Roll on the end eh?

    Take care,

    love you all H xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen, tired is what I am. Poor J was up every hour last night for a wee, which we think has got to be to do with the gallons of stuff they pumped into him all day. He was 9 hours on the ward in the end! Crazy!!

    Defo roll on the end...zzzzzzzzzzz.......

    love to you all too, I'm so pleased you're nearly there now xx S