Physical, emotional, and wifely wobbles...

2 minute read time.

It looks like J is going to have to have a blood transfusion next week. We've been worrying about his mega low white blood count, but it turns out his red blood count is also mega low - hence the pallor and inability to walk anywhere without being completely out of breath. Of course! His count pre this week's chemo was 9.2, and if it is any lower when he has his next blood test on Monday, he will have a transfusion with his chemo on Wednesday. I'm a bit wobbly about it but he is OK, he's been on the haematology ward long enough now to have seen it been done a few times and it doesn't bother him. And he's a cycling fan I suppose - he's read plenty of Lance Armstrong biographies and knows the boosting power of a good bit of fresh blood!! Ha ha, so we will see how that goes...

Emotionally he's not so great at the moment because one of his school friends has had bad news. This lad also has Hodgkins (chances of that?? - it's supposed to be very rare, but there are 3 of them originating from the same tiny town going through it at the same time - hopefully, someone, somewhere is noting that down and looking into possible reasons). Anyway this guy has had ABVD, and was the same as us counting down the days to the end of chemo. Thought it was all over, went for his fnal PET scan...and it wasn't his final PET scan. It hasn't gone. So now he has to go for intensive stay in hospital chemo, followed by stem cell whatever they do. It has scared the bejesus out of J. Really knocked him. That and watching the Stand up to Cancer thing on telly last night. Not good. He did not come to bed in a good frame of mind :-(

So that's him. And me? I'm not so good either. Very end of tetherish at the moment. Tired from doing everything, tired from not sleeping, tired from being tense and anxious all the time. I think I'm going to go to the doctors next week. I've had a pain in my side since he was diagnosed and though I'm sure it's psychological, a part of me is saying what if it's not? Better go and get it checked out i suppose...
