Life my way!

  • a little thought


    The 1st December , already. Was reminded today of something that happened a year after my nan died (20th December 2000) that I wanted to share..

    My Nan was a second mum to me, we lived in each others pockets. We had a family nickname .".the two wombles" we could be found wandering town slowly putting the world to rights. After she died I was lost, took a long long time to find me again (quite like how I feel now…

  • two in one day - poem to make sense of it all and find hope


    Posting this to my blog so I can keep it with my other. have written this to try and help me find me again and make sense of this life:

    Finding the sun peeping through

    The stars in the sky are the twinkles in the eyes

    Of the angels looking down from up above.

    And the wings that they spread to protect us in our lives

    Might send a feather floating down to us with love.

    When life seems too unfair or our burden hard…

  • The why question? (one step forward - two steps back)


    I've been really trying hard to start living with having lost mum, desperately trying to focus on mum's wishes that we "'keep going for her, and look after each other" . Small steps - going to youngest son,Kieran's carol singing, facing family get together yesterday for Jordan's 15th birthday (he found it quite hard without his gran I think, we all did).  Memories of mum are with me every turn…

  • rambling on, 8 weeks on from losing mum, still so hard to accept.


    Before anyone else reads this, I have just read it back myself. It seems like a selfish ramble when so many here are being so positive in dealing with what life has thrown at them. feel free to skip by this, I have found it therapeutic to get my thoiughts out but they are not the positives I would like them to be:~

    Hi xx

    I haven't written this for a few weeks, have been feeling pretty low and had told myself that there…

  • I am lost just now


    I haven't blogged for a little while, for once I just don't know how I feel or how to put it in to words.

    I think that I feel numb , I am angry, I feel that I should have had my mum for so much longer and I feel desperately unhappy that I will never feel her arms around me again. Mum was the first person I turned to when something bad happened, the first person I phoned with good news. She always listened, never…