two in one day - poem to make sense of it all and find hope

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Posting this to my blog so I can keep it with my other. have written this to try and help me find me again and make sense of this life:

Finding the sun peeping through

The stars in the sky are the twinkles in the eyes

Of the angels looking down from up above.

And the wings that they spread to protect us in our lives

Might send a feather floating down to us with love.

When life seems too unfair or our burden hard to bear

We look upwards to find answers from the sky.

Yet our hearts may not heed those signs sent for us to see

And the messages sent to help will pass us by.

We must learn to accept that some things we cannot change,

To see signs that our loved ones travel close each day.

Remember those up above, soaring high on clouds of love

Memories in our hearts stay with us come what may.

When we cannot see our way, or the clouds seem all so grey

Look right through, and see the sun is still above.

It may not shine for us today if the clouds are in its way

It will peep through soon to bring us hope and rays of love.

By Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Sharon, you do have a gift, translating your thought, fears and hopes into words we can all relate to. As Nic has said - Thank you for sharing and making all of us think.

    love and hugs

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello sharon Cant tell you how it lifted my heart to see you have found the inner strength to put pen to paper again and nic is so right you have a BRILLIANT way with words Sending warm thoughts and huggggssssss Elgee