Life my way!

  • 4 months on....


    Well, 4 months on,  and I still miss mum every minute of the day, still wish with very bone in my body that she was here with me. I have had a few moments when I have been able  to recall a special memory and smile, but still have more times when those same thoughts bring me to tears. As a family, we are slowly learning to live without Mum, not because we want to but because we have no choice. My healing clock is ticking…

  • a wobble..


    Christmas Day went well, as did Boxing Day. There were tears, epecially when my daughter presented me with a poem she had written about her gran, and again at the dinner table when I felt upset that her space was empty, but on the whole it was a lovely day that Mum would have be delighted by, and one that my 3 wonderful children really deserved as they have been so fantastic this year, which has been the most difficult…

  • Christmas Eve 2010


    I just want to wish everyone here a Christmas Day  that makes them smile, one with more ups than downs, and one filled with happy thoughts and memories. Many of us have been dreading Christmas for one reason or another, and now that is is almost here, I hope that everyone has a day filled with special moments.

    To those who are facing Christmas for the first time  without a loved one, remember that they are with you in your…

  • 3 months on xx


    Mum, miss you so much, today and every day. xx

    Posted this poem on the forum to share, keeping it here for me.

    MUM -

    Mum, if you were with me here today

    What words would I begin to say

    That could ever be enough

    To thank you for a Mother's love.

    Would I say 'I love you so'

    Or ' I need you ,please dont go',

    Or would I leave those thoughts unsaid

    And just hold you tight instead?

    How I…

  • December, Christmas and


    Christmas -

     Christmas fast approaches, and for many of us it is a struggle to get into the festive spirit , decorate the tree and shop for pressies.  We put up the tree last night, amid tears and smiles, memories of Christmases past flooding our minds. It was very difficult, but it's done and standing proudly in the corner of the living room, making claim to its place. And on Thursday this week I'm going to a remembrance…