rambling on, 8 weeks on from losing mum, still so hard to accept.

4 minute read time.

Before anyone else reads this, I have just read it back myself. It seems like a selfish ramble when so many here are being so positive in dealing with what life has thrown at them. feel free to skip by this, I have found it therapeutic to get my thoiughts out but they are not the positives I would like them to be:~

Hi xx

I haven't written this for a few weeks, have been feeling pretty low and had told myself that there was no point writing down negative thoughts as they are not going to help others going through a similar loss.

But here I am , eight weeks and 2 days since Mum died, 4 months on from Mum's terminal diagnosis, which came only 3 weeks after she found out she had cancer . Even as I write it, I cannot believe that just 5 months ago,we were blissfuly unaware of what was to follow. I still expect to see her or speak to her when the phone rings. Im not sure that I have accepted that she is gone yet. I need to put down my thoughts today but I wish that I could write something positive.

Since Mum died, I've been in hospital 3 times with lung problems, my eldest son is having a really difficult time with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E), my husband has undergone a colonoscopy (thankfuly clear) and I have become some-one that I don't like very much!! I am still miserable, short-tempered, desperately missing my mum, worrying about my son and not sure how to turn things around. I know that this is all part of grieving, but with Christmas approaching fast I have so far not been able to think about shopping etc.

I did go into a card shop with the intention of buying family cards, and found myself really upset by all the words and the Mum cards as well as the christmas songs playing and envious of all the people so obviously out shopping with their Mums. Tomorrow my youngest son (12) will be singing christmas songs in a shopping centre with his dance/theatre school for the arrival of santa clause to the centre. I normally love this, but am dreading tomorrow - how will I get through it without breaking down. Mum should be there.

I don't cry every day, it's more of a sadness deep inside me that overshadows everything else. I don't really want to see most of my friends because they seem to think that I should be getting over it by, and I really dont feel sociable. The anniversary of losing my father-in-law to bowel cancer is on the 22nd of this month, and next months it will be 10 years since I lost my wonderful Nan on the 20th December. I can think of them and not feel the raw hurt anymore, although I still miss them both every day.  I know that eventually it will be the same for Mum, but right now  I just miss her so much. The bad and painful experiences keep popping into my head and as yet they wont allow me to replace them with good memories. Mum was unbelievably brave, protecting us from so much of what she went through  and she wanted us to pick up our lives and get on with things after she was gone (easier said than done.) .

I am worried about my son because he is so unwell and missing school too much, worried that I am driving a wedge between me and my family by being so unhappy and grumpy (hubby has been good at just getting on with things but I know that he thinks Ive got permanent PMT!). I also worry for my wonderful brother-in-law, who has been living with terminal oesophageal cancer . I have never  feared cancer or death before ( i have had several brushes with death due to my brittle asthma) but I now find myself worrying about losing someone else that I love. It was very hard to watch Mum's rapid deterioration and the pain she suffered , feeling helpless . Not sure  how I would find strength to go through that again, am almost fearful for my brother-in-law. I never used to worry about things, just took each day as it came. What has happened to me?

When I read on here, I see people who are upbeat and positive, dealing with their own difficult situations and being incredibly brave about them. It humbles me. I feel very selfish that at present I am so negative and ashamed that I seem to be dwellling on the bad and not the good. I want the old me back, the person I was before Mums cancer stole that part of me away. I am working hard to find me again.

I have been supported tremendously by all my friends on here, thank you so much for being there when I have needed an ear. To those of you caring for a loved one, to everyone who has lost someone that they cared about and to everyone fighting a brave fight themselves, I would like to send my love and ((hugs)) to you. Cancer is a very difficult journey whatever the outcome, and this site has made it more bearable xx


  • FormerMember

    hi sharon

    Its understandable not selfish that you are feeling low. I hope your son feels better soon and that 2011 is a better year for us all. Try to get your poem hat on You are BRILLIANT at that and who knows it may just helpyou a little.Thinking of you and sending hugggs to you Take care elgee

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Yes you have had a very tough year. I dont want to sound too harsh. So have alot of people on the site as you mentioned. If you really feel as bad as you say why do you go to your GP, and arrange to see a councillor. You can see what its doing to your Family. I truly believe you are working hard to find your old self again,but sometimes we need help and

    cant do it on our own. I can only wish you all the best and hope you find the old Sue again for yourself and your Family.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarsfield and Elgee

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    Elgee, I am still trying to write my poems, will put some up soonxx

    Sarsfield, I have spoke to my g.p about how I am feeling, she thinks that how i feel is perfectly normal and that there is very limited access to counselling so to see how it goes. I find writing things down help me, which I have been doing but havent posted here for fear of seeming all doom and gloom which I dont want to be. Todays blog was an outpouring of my feelings just now, think the worry over my son is clouding everything else ( he also has a low neutrophil count for which he is awaiting a haematologist appt.  and has yet again been sent home from school unwell). I am very aware that many people here are having a much tougher time on me as I mentioned, in no way do I mean to take away from their situation xxx

    Thank you for your help, \Sharonx

  • FormerMember

    Understandable and very very early days.

    Remember we are here to listen.

    Be more gentle with yourself and understand because we do!

    Take care Love Julie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    OK stop beating yourself up, it will only make you feel even worse. The first thing is you are not being selfish, maybe you are a little blinkered by all the bad things going on in your life right now. The reason things can become easier for some of us to get or stay positive is we are given that precious thing, time,  to get used to the idea.

    My maths is letting me down a bit here but reading your story it looks like your Mum and you in turn only had a couple of months from terminal diagnosis to loosing her and that is no time at all to come to terms with something as traumatic as the loss of a loved one.

    I know words and sympathy don't really help, things take as long as they take and we all move on at our own pace, but only when we are ready.

    Far from you post being negative I see it as being part of the healing process that is right for you. Sometimes its only by almost writing a letter to yourself that you can sort your thoughts out and place some of life's problems into a priority order and even cross some off the list as less important or move to the other list 'To Be tackled Later  !'

    I know it will be hard but you owe it to your Mum to put on a brave face and make sure the Family 'enjoy' Christmas this year. You say your youngest boy is 12, would his Gran really like to feel she was the reason he was not able to enjoy his Christmas this year ?  I know the pain is still so raw so not suggesting  you to do cartwheels and sing from the rooftops but please do not loose site that your Mum  does live on in You and Your Children - she part of the ones still with you that you love and worry so much about.

    She is with you in your heart and mind, as long as she is in your memory then she does live on. As you say yourself in time you will find it easier to think of her and maybe the tears will also be less.

    I hope life deals you some better cards soon and that you and your sons health improves. Its so much easier to cope and be positive when you feeling well yourself.

    Love and Hugs

    john xx