Life my way!

  • not a good day today


    I am not having a good day today, not sure why. Hubby having colonoscopy today - yes saturday , the NHS has started recognising 7 day weeks, lol(he has a condition which in some cases results in cancerous polyps so gets monitored every 2 years), I know he will be fine but for some reason I have been really down and tearful.

    Still feeling really yucky with the pneumonia - think im going to end up admitted to hospital…

  • mumxx


    Mum, you brought me into this world, nurtured me,scolded me and loved me. Wiped my tears, held my hand,watched me grow. Under your watchful eye I grew and became a woman, then you gently pushed me out into the bigger world, and gave me the confidence to open up my wings and fly. You loved me enough to let me go. Yet, you opened up your loving arms wide to let me feel safe and warm whenever I needed to. You taught me everything…

  • I miss you Mumxx


    Well, its been ten days now since mum passed, and 3 days since the funeral. I don't know what I feel anymore, numb, raw, desolate.

     My 3 children are missing their gran desperately, they were wonderful on Tuesday, they had never been to a funeral before but their granny would have been so proud! There was a heartwarming wonderful turn out, about 170 at the funeral and we raised £620 for the Marie Curie Hospice (where…

  • I feel angry abou the last 2 months, and especially mums times in hospital



    Well it has been a really tough few days, feel like a wreck just now. Missing Mum every waking minute, cant seem to actually focus on anything else.This has not been helped by my anger at Mums treatment in the medical admissions ward.

    On Sunday night Mum was admitted to accident and emergency having suffered a stroke, due to the cancer reaching her brain. She was put on oxygen and left in a cubicle for 6 hours, …

  • The bravest woman in the world...goodbye mum,love you always and foreverxx


    My mum passed away this morning at 8.13am, after the most dignified acceptance if her illness. She was surrounded by her children and husband,  and after a very very difficult two days her last few hours were actually peaceful.xx

    Word fail me just now, I cant actually believe she is gonexx