I am lost just now

2 minute read time.

I haven't blogged for a little while, for once I just don't know how I feel or how to put it in to words.

I think that I feel numb , I am angry, I feel that I should have had my mum for so much longer and I feel desperately unhappy that I will never feel her arms around me again. Mum was the first person I turned to when something bad happened, the first person I phoned with good news. She always listened, never judged and was always there. And now shes gone.

I'm short tempered with my hubby and kids, don't seem to find much to smile about, am trying to keep life normal for everyone else when inside I just feel like I am screaming all the time. I'm not breaking down and crying really, its more a feeling inside me that my life has suddenly been turned upside down and I don't have control any more. I am lucky, I have my husband and three children so why do I feel so alone in my grief.

I wish that I could feel my mum's arms around me one more time, hear her tell me that everything will be okay. She wouldn't want me to be like this, she was adamant that we should pick ourselves up and get on with living. How hard that is, I know that  is what she wanted but right now I just can't.

I know that I am probably still feeling low after the pneumonia and 2 hospital stays  so its probaly partly to blame for how I feel just now. My hubby just quietly gets on with things, my  daughter sometimes cries in bed at night and my sons are very quiet. I try to be normal around them all but they are picking up that all is not as bright as I try to make out.

I don't want to feel like this because I know its not what Mum wanted, but I can't help missing her so much. I still had so many things I wanted to do with her, so many places still to see, so many new memories that we had to make.

Christmas fills me with dread. I know that I will have to go through the motions for the children, but normally Mum  and I do all our shopping together with much laughing and a few lunches thrown in as well. I dont think that I can face it without her. I never knew that I would feel so bad, my husband loves me very much and I should count my blessings I know. I try to tell myself this and dont want to be full of self pity, but what it comes down to is that I am a 40 year old woman who just needs her mum.xx

  • I`m so sorry you feel like this. I know that feeling myself  "overwhelming sadness" and I`m so sorry that I have no words of comfort, except that you are not alone in your feelings...HUG...


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon.  It is perfectly normal for you to feel the way you do. You are right it's not what your lovely mum would want but she would understand why you are feeling the way you do.  Remember what you told me - 'your mum will always be with you in your heart'.  You will be ok, she will always look out for you.  Give yourself time to grieve, it's very early days.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Sorry I cannot help you on your loss nobody can. I send you all my strength and support.May your Mum. R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Sharon my heart goes out to you. I hope god gives you strength. All my love Teresa

  • FormerMember

    My heart goes out to you, but as the others have said, it's early days yet. Have you tried calling the Cruse bereavement people? I found them easier to talk to than my immediate family and very reassuring. You can get through this, and we're here to support you. Love Val X