Life my way!

  • What I'd give for a hug from Mum todayx


    Been feeling like my grief has hit me all over again this week. Kind of expected it but not sure how to actually deal with it. Today is my first birthday without Mum, on Sunday it would be Mum's birthday and on the 21st it is the first anniversary of Mums death. I knew September would be hard but didnt expect to feel such overwhelming loss again.I think I am reliving each day of the month from last year and have decided…

  • 10 months on in the journey of grief


    10 months today since Mum died, and also exactly a year since we were told she was untreatable. This last month has been strangely difficult, and today more so. Not sure if its because June last year was when mum was diagnosed, and so every day for the last month I have woken thinking ..."this time last year". From now until September holds a different memory every day and I feel a little as though my grief has regressed…

  • 9 months on.......


    Just wanted to say a wee hello to everyone that I havent spoken to in a while. I haven't posted on my blog for a bit, kind of felt that there was nothing new to say and didn't seem to get much response so thought people had heard enough of me lol! So here I am, nine months on from losing Mum. Am I coping? Yes, just about. Do I still feel the same pain when I whenever I think of Mum( which is several times each day…

  • 7 months and one day!! The sun is shining xx


    Yesterday, it was seven months since I lost Mum. I had no internet access so couldn't blog, but wanted to write this..

    Feel so much more positive than I thought possible! I still miss Mum still every day, but life has a way of compensating and I find myself smiling again at the simple things once more, the sun shining again when I felt it never would, the new lambs jumping in the fields, the silly jokes my youngest…

  • This Mother's Day Mum xx


    Here I am, on the eve of my first Mother's day without you Mum. I know that you are with me in my heart, I know that you would tell me to 'chin up' and smile. Yet tomorrow will be so hard, we normally spend it together. I miss you so much Mum, and although it is just one more day without you, it marks so much more.

    Yet I want you to know that we are getting on with life, the children too. Easter, holidays all…