My mum has extensive sclc

  • December 23rd 2009 - preparing to hit the road!


    Mum is still feeling good.  The roads look to be ok as long as you're careful and we've packed a bag ready to head off up to Scotland tomorrow.  I pray ther is not a lot of snow overnight as we really do want to spend this Christmas with our family up there.  Mums brother is also extremely keen that we should be with them this Christmas.

    We'll set of about 9.30am and just take our time.  We've sorted a flask…

  • December 22nd 2009 - still in lancashire!


    We had hoped we might get up to Scotland today.  Mum is still feeling well and we thought we would set off about 11am.  It was not to be.  The snow had been falling thick and fast during the night and was still falling when we got up.  We now have around 8 inches of snow and there's no way I would have got the car out of our street without a lot of digging.

    Later this afternoon my uncle phoned to say they were now having…

  • December 21st 2009 - Mum feeling well again!


    Mum is feeling well again although we did have a slight wobble at lunch time today.  She had a bit of a coughing spasm.  This was something that we'd got really used to but I must admit when it started today I felt really worried.  I was thinking please god don't let this start again just when mum is feeling better and I could see in mums face that she was feeling the same.  It probably lasted about half an hour to…

  • December 20th 2009 - Mum feeling well again!


    Apart from my trip to Sainsburys, which was a nightmare due to the thick snow and steep hills to negotiate to get back to the house (nearly didn't make it), it has been a very pleasant day.  If this weather keeps up there is no way I'm driving to Scotland and mum and I have settled to the idea of a peaceful and relaxing Christmas at home, even looking forward to it.

    Mum has been in good spirits again today and…

  • December 19th 2009 - Mum says she feels quite well today!


    It's 26 years today since my dad died and always a difficult day, even now.  Mum and I decided to just have a quiet day although I ran around with the duster and hoover and also wrapped all the presents.  I still really miss my dad and I know my mum does but I find now I can think about how much I love him and how much I enjoyed my time with him rather than how awful it was for us when he passed away.  Funnily enough…