December 20th 2009 - Mum feeling well again!

1 minute read time.

Apart from my trip to Sainsburys, which was a nightmare due to the thick snow and steep hills to negotiate to get back to the house (nearly didn't make it), it has been a very pleasant day.  If this weather keeps up there is no way I'm driving to Scotland and mum and I have settled to the idea of a peaceful and relaxing Christmas at home, even looking forward to it.

Mum has been in good spirits again today and continues to feel quite well.  We didn't have any E45 but found some sudocrem which is used for nappie rash and is antiseptic so we've applied that to her spots on her bald head and are hopeful it'll do the trick.  She has been less tired again today going back to bed just the once about 3pm and sleeping for about 2 hours.

Last night I gave her wig a wash and she was concerned it wouldn't be dry for this morning but all was well.  It was totally dry when she got up and it looked lovely and shiny.  I've actually got really used to seeing her with it and am beginning to think of it as her hair rather than a wig.  Who'd have thought it!?  Just over a week ago she was distraught at the thought of losing her hair and having to wear it and now she is totally comfortable with it and even likes it!

Another good day!

