My mum has extensive sclc

  • December 28th 2009 - A chillout day!


    Having travelled back yesterday from Scotland my mum and I were both quite tired so we decided we'd just chill out.  That's exactly what we've done.  Mum was really tired after lunch and went back to bed for a rest but found she couldn't get to sleep.  This si unusual as normally she goes out like a light.  However she feels ok so, hopefully, she will slep well tonight.

    Snow has bee forecast here tonight but…

  • December 27th 2009 - We're back home in the North West!


    We left Foxbar at 11am this morning in heavy snow.  My uncle didn;t want us to leave because of the snow but I checked AA roadwatch and the roads were all fine.  He was definitely sneezing and was so worried that he would pass the cold onto mum that he was a nervous wreck and couldn't relax.  I was also stressed out, especially since mum was up at 2am having a bout of coughing and a bit of a runny nose.

    We arrived back…

  • Boxing Day 2009 - Heading home tomorrow!


    We enjoyed Christmas day but now my uncle is starting with a cold so we're heading home tomorrow.  I didn't really want to come up but mum was dead keen so we did it.  She now feels like she's spoiled everyones christmas because Rebecca hasn't been able to come over because of her cold but my uncle has been going over to her and now he feels he's started.

    We've all told mum she's not spoiled anything…

  • Christmas Day 2009 - Lovely day!


    We've had a lovely day here in Scotland.  The only blip is that my cousins daughter Rebecca couldn't come over as she has a bad cold.  She wasn't even that interested in opening her presents because she was poorly.  We've kept her presents here so that she can have them when she feels better.

    We've just had a beautiful Christmas dinner and are now sitting chilling watching Christmas TV.  Mum has felt…

  • Christmas Eve 2009 - We've made it to Scotland!


    We set off at 10am this morning and actually had a very pleasant trip up.  Had to stop a couple of times to fill up the washer bottle.  The only place we were held up was just before the Kingston Bridge through to Paisley and that was down to sheer volume of traffic.  It took us slightly longer than usual, about 4 hours 15 minutes.

    Mum has gone up for a lie down after her meal but she is generally feeling quite well and…