My mum has extensive sclc

  • January 12th 2010 - A better day!


    When I got home from work today mum said that Jayne, her district nurse, had been pointing out how well she was doing and saying that she had never gone in to one of her patients and found them ironing before!  Can I just point out that I had warned mum to leave the ironing for me BUT that's mum! 

    Mum also talked to Jayne about the problems she was having with trying to give up smoking and told her about the response…

  • January 11th 2010 - A similar day!


    I've been at work today although we finished at two as there was some concern about the weather taking a turn for the worst and we wanted to make sure kids and staff got home safely.

    Mum got up with me at 6.30 and took her first lot of medication meaning she could eat breakfast at 7.30.  She then headed back to bed with the intention of sleeping until her alarm went off for her next lot of meds at 11.30.  This was…

  • January 10th 2010 - Mum not so good!


    Mum very low this morning.  She had to take her anti-sickness tablet at 5am as she was feeling really sick.  When she was taking her etoposide at 8am she thought she was going to be sick but she managed to keep them down.  She went to bed and then got up and had some cereal at 10am but has gone back to bed immediately after eating.  She couldn't even finish her cup of tea, not like her at all and worrying as she's been told…

  • January 9th 2010 - Theatre trip was a big success!


    Well having made it to chemo mum was well up for the theatre trip.  It worked out quite well as normally she's not as tired the first couple of days after chemo because of the steroids she is given pre-chemo.  The drive to the coach collection point was a bit hairy but the coach arrived and mum, gillian, charlotte and myself set out on our girly night out.  The coach journey was a pleasure for me, normally the driver…

  • January 8th 2010 - made it to mums chemo!


    Well the roads were not great but we got to the hospital and mum has had her 3rd chemo so she's half way through.  She's gone to see if she can get an hours sleep now as we are planning to give getting to the theatre a go.  We are going by coach and are being picked up a 10 minute drive from the house so we reckon it should be ok.

    The chemo nurses got a doctor to look at mums wee spotty head and he has given her…