January 8th 2010 - made it to mums chemo!

1 minute read time.

Well the roads were not great but we got to the hospital and mum has had her 3rd chemo so she's half way through.  She's gone to see if she can get an hours sleep now as we are planning to give getting to the theatre a go.  We are going by coach and are being picked up a 10 minute drive from the house so we reckon it should be ok.

The chemo nurses got a doctor to look at mums wee spotty head and he has given her some antibiotics to take, just in case there's any infection.  We also got mums new bandana that we ordered on the internet today and she really likes it so she is happy to wear that in the house from now on.  Hopefully by not wearing her wig as much her head will get a chance to heal.  We also got a soft cotton wigliner so she is going to try that tonight.  I am going to order her another bandana so that when one is in the wash she will have a clean one to wear.  I think we've spent more on hats, liners and sleep hats than we paid for her wig!  never mind as long as she's happy I'm happy.

I hope she enjoys our trip to the theatre tonight as she has really been looking forward to it.  I'm concerned that she may get very tired but she is determined to go and says she'll be fine.

  • Hi Caroline

    So pleased your Mum got to the hospital for her chemo today.

    Have a lovely time tonite at the theatre.

    Sue xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you made it Caroline. l have always found the wigs too hot to l would wear a hat. it what you Mum feels most comfortable in.

    Hope you have a good nite out Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Pleased to hear you made it to the hospital safely and that you are venturing out to the sound of music tonight.

    If you mum gets tired she can always drop off to sleep in the theatre - I'm sure nobody will notice as long as she doesn't snore!

    My mum goes to the theatre a lot (she has an annual membership) and she wont take my dad much as he ALWAYS falls asleep so mum said it's a waste of money taking him!

    A little nap on the way home on the coach might be in order for your mum.

    Well, hope you both have a wonderful time.


  • FormerMember

    Pleased to read you made the hospital fingers crossed for the theater.

  • well done on making it to hospital, that half way feeling is a nice one as you know its all win win from here as the light get brighter in that tunnel.

    best wishes
