January 11th 2010 - A similar day!

2 minute read time.

I've been at work today although we finished at two as there was some concern about the weather taking a turn for the worst and we wanted to make sure kids and staff got home safely.

Mum got up with me at 6.30 and took her first lot of medication meaning she could eat breakfast at 7.30.  She then headed back to bed with the intention of sleeping until her alarm went off for her next lot of meds at 11.30.  This was not to be as at 10 the dreaded smoking cessation nurse rung to see how mum was doing with stopping smoking.  Mum didn't answer the phone but it woke her up and she ended up getting up until her next meds.  She then had to wait an hour before she could have her lunch.  After lunch the postman came to the door with a parcel and so when I got home at 2.45 she was still up and had actually had very little sleep.  She is exhausted.  She took her next meds at 4 and then ate her tea at 5.  She headed for bed immediately after eating and I'm just going to let her sleep until she wakes.

The reason for all this hassle is really the antibiotics for her spotty head as she has to take 2 four times a day before food, or on an empty stomach, which means keeping quite a strict timetable.  Fortunately it's just a 7 day course but it's unfortunate that she's having to take them at the time when she's most tired and feeling rough anyway.

Her attempt at stopping smoking has ground to a halt since the smoking cessation nurse came last week (hardly surprising) and she is smoking more than she had been prior to the visit although not as much as she was used to, mainly due to spending so much time in bed.  On a positive note the combination of antibiotics and not wearing her wig in the house seems to be working in terms of the spots on her head clearing up.

I feel so sorry for her.  She was very down last night and said it was just sinking in that she was actually ill.  Although she's exhausted she's not sleeping that well during the night.  She's not said so but I hear her getting up and down throughout the night.  I hope another few days will see her through this bad patch and feeling more positive and well again.
