January 9th 2010 - Theatre trip was a big success!

2 minute read time.

Well having made it to chemo mum was well up for the theatre trip.  It worked out quite well as normally she's not as tired the first couple of days after chemo because of the steroids she is given pre-chemo.  The drive to the coach collection point was a bit hairy but the coach arrived and mum, gillian, charlotte and myself set out on our girly night out.  The coach journey was a pleasure for me, normally the driver, as I got to sit back and relax on the hour there and the hour back.

We all really enjoyed the show and, although the drive from the coach drop off was even more hairy on the way back, we were back home about 11.30pm.  Mum then decided she'd have a wee whisky nightcap to finish off her night and watch the introductory show to dancing on ice, something we both love!

She didn't sleep that well last night, normal after chemo, so got up about 2am and ate a sticky bun, chemo definitely not affecting her appetite!  She got up early to take her anti-sicknes a half hour before her chemo (etoposide bombs) which have to be taken 1 hour before food.  To add to the confusion she has also to take antibiotics for the the spots on her wee head, 1 hour before food four times a day!  So this morning we made out a med chart so that when I go back to work on Monday she will be able to refer to it and ensure she takes everything at the right time.  We have worked out that she has to take 31 tablets a day plus her inhalers (not all for her cancer) and today and tomorrow it goes up to 34 because of the etoposide!  Some have to be taken an hour before food, some after food, some at specific times etc. etc.  I'm confused and my mum hasn't a clue but we think we've got it sorted and the plan is now on the fridge door.  I am also going to teach her how to set the alarm on her mobile so that she can set it for the times when she needs to take meds, eat etc.  We'll trial it tomorrow when I'm at home just to make sure she can do it.

She's just had her lunch and gone back to bed for a wee sleep.  She is in good spirits again today.  I think the trip out last night made her feel like she was able to do normal things for the first time since diagnosis.  We have another one arranged for the 21st so she's got that to look forward to and, hopefully, she'll feel ok to go.  It's her favourite musical, Les Miserables, so I don't think there's much that would keep her from going.    
